CIGAP – Centre for Research in Applied Gerontology
Research Team
- Andrés Ledezma Dames, MSc. – Centre Director – Physiotherapist
- Miguel Ángel Ramos Henderson, MSc. – Psychologist
- Catalina Tapia Pinto, PhD. Research Associate – Universidad de Antofagasta – Nurse.
- Norman López Velázquez, Phd. Research Associate-Universidad de los Lagos- Psychologist
CIGAP is a research centre which generates scientific knowledge and encourages innovation concerning aging, linking the university with the public and private sectors, as well as the community.
CIGAP’s Aims and Objectives
The objective of CIGAP is: to generate scientific knowledge and encourage innovation concerning aging, linking academia with the public sector, private sector and the community. The centre’s activity is focused in 5 axes:
- Applying and developing R&D projects, with internal and external funds to the institution.
- Generating scientific releases through publications in peer-reviewed journals or journals with an editorial committee, and presenting works in scientific conferences or seminars associated with CIGAP’s subject line.
- Transferring new technologies, as well as patented results or intellectual property projects developed by the centre.
- Providing services and advice to public and private entities that require specialised assistance in aging issues, and various settings that affect the elderly.
- Academic training in gerontology at undergraduate and especially postgraduate level, offering specialisation and advanced courses for professionals.
Strategic Lines
- Research and psychosocial aging innovation.
- Physiological changes associated with aging and elderly morbidity.
- Research and innovation in economics, housing and labour inclusion in gerontology.
- Generating instruments for screening and diagnosis for elderly people.